Japan Subculture Research Center"...New allegations have raised the possibility that the administration may have gone so far as to quash a rape investigation on behalf of a close friend of [Prime Minister] Abe: the dapper, hipster-bearded broadcast journalist Noriyuki Yamaguchi, who also penned two laudatory books on the prime minister..."Noriyuki Yamaguchi has … [Read more...] about Rape in Japan is a crime but justice is rarely served. A Non-Arrest & Shiori Ito’s Full Statement
Shinzo Abe
本当に全面的に北朝鮮だけが悪いのか?最悪の事態は絶対に避けなくては! Are we sure it’s all North Korea’s fault? We must prevent war!
本田望 - 北朝鮮との軍事衝突の危機が高まるなか、米国のトランプ大統領は北朝鮮との交渉はむだだといい、安倍晋三首相はさらにかえって逆効果だと強く主張しています。しかしながら、彼らはその主張の実の根拠を示していないようです。Amid rising tensions between the US and North Korea, President Donald Trump insists that negotiation with North Korea is useless, and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is certain that more talk would only make things worse, but they don't offer any … [Read more...] about 本当に全面的に北朝鮮だけが悪いのか?最悪の事態は絶対に避けなくては! Are we sure it’s all North Korea’s fault? We must prevent war!