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India faces a massive and completely preventable epidemic of early, painful death and suffering caused by asbestos. In the first part of this century at least 30 people will die each day of an asbestos related disease as per an estimate. Asbestos Epidemic in India
Read this comment by Gopal Krishna of toxislink.org which has been appended to the bottom of the article.
国際環境NGO FoE Japan ニュースマガジGreen Earth Express 2004.6.1 from Friends of the Earrth Japan
US Treasury Department Prosecutes American NGO For Bringing Medicines to Iraq . For more information/offering support .Voices in the Wilderness is being prosecuted by the US Treasury Department for the crime of exporting medicine to Iraq. But it is the U.S. government (and its allies like Japan) which is guilty of crimes against humanity.

How To Silence An Awkward Newspaper John Pilger notes that the editor of the Daily Mirror, Britain’s most famous mass-circulation newspaper, was sacked because he ran the only English-language popular paper to expose the “war on terror” as a fraud and the invasion of Iraq as a crime. He also says that Blair and Bush are guilty of “crimes against humanity”, suggesting they be indicted by the International Criminal Court (to which only Britain is a signatory).

The Lying Game
An A-Z of the Iraq war and its aftermath, focusing on misrepresentation, manipulation, and mistakes…
Twelve Questions for President Bush Meant to Help Strengthen His Remaining Speeches about Iraq
Chalmers Johnson asks Bush, ” Please tell us more about your notion of “full sovereignty” for Iraq. Will this be like our returning Okinawan sovereignty to Japan in 1972, when we retained exclusive control over the 38 military bases on the island and the deployment and behavior of American forces on them?” Plus 11 more questions Bush will not want to truthfully answer.

Why We’re Not Getting Married Were we to marry, we would be contributing to the perpetuation of a norm of coupledness in our society [,marginalizing] those who are single, single-parents, widowed, divorced or otherwise living in non-traditional constellations.
The Organic Foods Movement – Led by Heinz Corporation or We the People?
Did you know that M&M-Mars owns Seeds of Change, Coca-Cola owns Odwalla, Kellogg owns Kashi, Morningstar Farms, and Sunrise Organic , Philip Morris/Kraft owns Boca Foods and Back to Nature? Why you should be worried!
Check out NEWS INSIDER LINKS HERE (More Below):
China helped train US Guantanamo interrogators
Japanese citizens sue government for sending troops to Iraq
Doubts over honesty of latest US terror warning
Israel arrests UK reporter who interviewed nuclear whistleblower
Amnesty condemns US over human rights abuses -again
American Soldier Seeks Asylum in Canada
Emergency Donation to Iraqi People

Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejia, who had the courage to be the first soldier to refuse to fight in Iraq: Refuser Found Guilty . Background information.More background . Story in the Guardian (UK)
In the spirit of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, we must find ways to resist illegitimate authority. And yes, in Japan, things are becoming worse and worse and the police are used by school officials to stifle debate and dissent. Witness the recent case of a teacher who is the victim of heavy-handed, Gestapo-like police tactics in: Police raid retired teacher who raised flag, anthem ruckus . (22 May). See Continuation of Police Raid on HS Teachers’s House .
Prime Minister Koizumi’s trip to North Korea to bring back some of the family members of the hostages is seen in a different light–the conflict between ultra-nationalists and political realists, and how the media ignores the more measured voices of the hostages themselves in favor of those of the rightists, many of whom look fondly on Japan’s colonialist past: Japan-North Korea Diplomatic Normalization and Northeast Asia Peace by WADA Haruki. (Please also see this piece from last year by Chalmers Johnson, Korea, South and North, at Risk from U.S. Policy . Also, this excellent background piece on North Korea from two years ago..
In Remember “In re Yamashita”? , SODEI Rinjiro asks whether George Bush and Donald Rumsfield do not deserve to be sentenced to death by the very standards that were used in the trial of general Yamashita for war crimes during World War II.
In The Russo-Japanese War and the Iraq War , Harvard historian IRIE Akira looks at the forces of ultra nationalism at work both in the behaviour of the United States in Iraq and moves in Japan to revise the Constitution.
Recent Articles in Japanese by ASANO Ken’ichi
May 18: Photojournalist Rejects Sankei Shimbun Prize Over Its Support for Militarism
May 15: Education Minister Supports Forced Patriotism
May 13: Scholars Oppose Article 9 Revision
May 8: Museum Glorifying War of Being Built
April 30: Writer Oda Makoto Sues Government over SDF Deployment in Iraq
April 26: Business Circles Propose Revision of the Constitution
April 4: Police Crack Down on Antiwar Protestors
7 August 2003
Over the rainbow by Michael Bronski
Gay-movement organizers obsessed with fighting for same-sex marriage seem to have forgotten their roots in a quest for a more liberated world, one they shared with feminists who viewed marriage as hopelessly patriarchal.
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