English Links
Some are general news, some deal with certain issues, but all of them will give you a different view of the world than Asahi, NHK, Fuji, Yomirui, Mainichi, etc. Some are well organized, some are " メチャクチャ". We do not recommend any particular one, but look around and you will find something useful, I am sure.
Asian News and Social Problems World News and Social Problems
Media Problems in Japan Media Issues in the World
Public Access TV and Radio (Alternative Media)
Some debates on important issues
Mad Cow, NHK, Globalization…
Arts/Culture Media/Info Individuals Groups
Asian News and Social Problems
Japan Focus (ZNet)J
Japan Focus main site
Many links in Japan and Asia
Buraku, Ishihara Shintaro, Ehime Maru, などなど
World News and Social Problems
The New Standard
TNS strives for accountability and fairness, and to uphold rigorous rules for sourcing, transparency and ethics.
Project Censored
Un-reported and underreported news from around the world/. They also publish a list of mainstream and non-mainstream sources
Common Dreams publishes news and commentary on the important world issues;
Media issues in Japan
ABOUT the media
Asian News and Social Problems World News and Social Problems
Media Problems in Japan Media Issues in the World
Public Access TV and Radio (Alternative Media)
Some debates on important issues
Mad Cow, NHK, Globalization…
By Paul Arenson
Asano KenIchi's page
Well known journalist and professor
One of the links on his page is this, about the 'criminal activity' of Bush and
Koizumi in Iraq:
Japanese media and Iraq
Asano article
What is wrong with the Japanese media
Another by Asano
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
Well-known US site
Media Lens
Correcting for the distortrd lens of the corporate media
Media Problems in Japan Media Issues in the World
Public Access TV and Radio (Alternative Media)
Some debates on important issues
Mad Cow, NHK, Globalization…
WHAT'S UP MAGAZINE (By homeless people for everyone.)
Democracy Now
One of the most popular alternative media news shows. Every day, with Amy Goodman
(ぎゃく): reverse, contrary, counter, converse, opposite
Nuclear Power, NHK problems, China…etc.
Japan: Third World, Environment, Peace, Health
World: Fair Trade, Media, Labor, Globalization
By Darrel Moen
Economic Justice
オックスファム/Oxfam :オックスファムは、世界100ヶ国以上で貧困を克服しようとする人々を支援し、貧困を生み出す状況を変えるために活動する民間の国際協力団体です。長年 に渡る実績が評価され1992年と2005年 .
Oxfam believes that in a world rich in resources, poverty isn’t a fact of life but an injustice which must be overcome. We believe that everyone is entitled to a life of dignity and opportunity, and we work with poor communities, local partner organisations, volunteers and supporters to make this a reality. Oxfam’s goal is a world where every person is safe, healthy, secure, skilled, heard, and equal..
An issue that demands clarification. The issue of whaling in the media is presented as one of culture or country vs. other. But it is not that simple. If the Japanese government cares about small coastal whalers, why does it also promote giant factory whale fleets? And why does it not offer the same protection to Japanese rice against foreign imports? If the U.S. opposes whaling, as does Greenpeace (including Greenpeace Japan), why does the U.S. oppose Greenpeace on almost every other environmental issue? And why does the world’s media treat Japanese whaling as if it was more barbarous than the treatment by all countries of livestock? Why too does the Japanese media say it is a cultural issue when the Scandinavian countries share almost the same culture yet have different views on whaling? And wasn’t the US also a whlaing nation until fairly recently, historically speaking? Here are two groups with essentially Japanese members. Please send other links from all sides of the issue to us: グリーン ピース ジャパン ; イルカ&クジラ・アクションネットワーク
International Green Network Japan
Environment/Nuclear Power
Tokaimura accident
Hamaoka plant safety
Maude Barlow in Japan (check encoding-Shift-Jis)
Tsukurukai textbook issue
Food/Mad Cow
A university student of ours reports on Japanese government instigated censorship.
Food/Genetically Modified Organisms and Japan
Japan Network
Nambu, Foreign Workers Caucus.
Asian News and Social Problems World News and Social Problems
Media Problems in Japan Media Issues in the World
Public Access TV and Radio (Alternative Media)
Some debates on important issues
Mad Cow, NHK, Globalization…
Arts/Culture Media/Info Individuals Groups
Gender Awareness, Poetry and songs….
Teaching Critical media
Some links may not work
The Radical Psychology Network
We challenge psychology's traditional focus on minor reform, because enhancing human welfare demands fundamental social change instead. Moreover, psychology itself has too often oppressed people rather than liberated them.
Alfie Kohn
The negatives of competition in the classroom
Wise Hat (Japan)
First, and perhaps foremost we support co-operative learning. The games and activities in these pages, and the material we sell are designed to be used non-competitively… We all still working things out, we are experimenting, but our aim is clear. We are going to initiate a giving economy…You can help create a giving economy too. Like ripples in water, giving can spread. If you use our products, if you like our ideas, send us some energy so we can keep on creating them. But send some energy elsewhere too. I'm not talking about faceless charity contributions but genuine giving. Give some energy to someone you meet or know. It can be money but it doesn't need to be. Give a gift, give time, give a little living.
And the fear will go.
And love will take it's place.
Dechooling Society
Ivan Illich became well known in 1970, when he published Deschooling Society which argued that the top-down management of schools makes students powerless – and that the same top-down management is typical of the modern, technological economy that prevents people from learning. Tools for Conviviality made the same criticism of technology generally. Along with Energy and Equity, this book made Ivan Illich one of the most important theorists of the radical ecology movement of the 1970s.
Paul Goodman
Paul Goodman became one of the most influential social critics of the 1960s after he published Growing Up Absurd, which looked at the problems of youth in the "organized system" of modern American society. He wrote on many subjects, criticizing the failings of our organized technological society, and making practical proposals to create a modern society on the human scale.
Radical Teaching
Honest teaching that respectfully helps us to unlearn the lies that support systematic oppression, including the lie of our own powerlessness.
Radical Teacher
a socialist, feminist, and anti-racist journal on the theory and practice of teaching
Friere on Educational "Banking"
Gender Awareness in Language Education
Women Educators and Language Learners
Arts/Culture Media/Info Individuals Groups
Media Problems in Japan Media Issues in the World
Public Access TV and Radio (Alternative Media)
Some debates on important issues
Mad Cow, NHK, Globalization…
- Arts/Culture
- Media/Info
- Asia Press Club(J)
- balance web(J)
- Berita AlertWire(J)
- Big Issue Japan
- Days Japan
- Furatto Jinken Jouhou Network(J)
- Indymedia Japan
- Japan Focus
- Japan Press Service
- JCJ(J)
- Japan Policy Research Institute
- LaborNet Japan(J)
- New Internationalist Japan
- Nikkan Berita(J)
- Ohmy News Japan(J)
- Palestine Information Center(J)
- People's Plan Japonesia
- Radio Cafe
- Sekai
- Tokyo Progressive
- United Voices(J)
- ViVa!(J)
- Individuals
- Groups
- Amnesty Int'l Japan(J)
- Anti-War Network(J)
- Control Arms(J)
- cira japana(J)
- Falluja, April 2004(J)
- FoE Japan(J)
- Forum 90
- Global Article 9 Campaign
- Greenpeace Japan(J)
- Human Rights Now
- Iraq Hope
- Japan Action Network on Small Arms(J)
- Japan Association for Refugees(J)
- Kamapat Katsudou Diary(Osaka)
- Midan(J)
- Moyai(J)
- NGO Network Japan(J)
- Oxfam Japan
- Peace not War Japan
- People's Plan Study Group
- Posse(J)
- Shinjuku Homeless Support Group
- Solidarity Network with Migrants Japan(SMJ)
- Second Harvest Japan
- Stop-Rokkasho.JP(J)
- Teikoshoku(J)
- Timor Lorosae(J)
- Tokyo Homeless(J)
- Tokyo Volunteer Action Center
- Tokyo International Communication Committee(J)
- World Peace Now Japan
- WWF Japan(J)
- VAWW-NET Japan
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