The most recent stories include the following:
Tokyo Spring: Supporting the teachers opposing the singing of Kimigayo in schools
Japan faces hunger pains as poor slip through net
110,000 Okinawans demand textbooks depict historical facts, other stories (Japan Press Service)
BURMA: With Technology as Weapon, Citizens Become Reporters
ビルマ(ミャンマー) : 【緊急行動】拷問または虐待の恐れ/健康への懸念
Homeless Support Festa: The 4th Nagai Park Dairin Festival
第4回 長居公園 大輪祭り ご案内 Homeless Support Festival
Our Planet TV (アワー・プラネット・ティービー)
エドワード・サイード、ノーム・チョムスキー、Middle East…(中野真紀子)
From translator Nakano Makiko on Edward Said. Noam Chomsky and the Middle East. See "Democrcy Now Japan" below, of which Nakano san is one of the key members.
イラク分割統治という幻想 ( 益岡賢のページ)
From Masuoka Ken, above are translations of articles on Iraq. Below are translations of his on the U.S. as a sponsor of terrorism, followed by translations of articles by John Pilger , Noam Chomsky, and others. After that, translations of articles on the Middle East. East Timor, Afghanistan…
田中宇の国際ニュース解説: 世界はどう動いているか
"Tanaka News"
デモクラシー・ナウ!/Democracy Now! JAPAN (Oct 5)
Democracy Now Japan (translations of transcripts as well as sub-titled videos)
Burma People’s Movement/Technology
戦争を放棄した 日本国憲法第9条を世界に広げよう: アレン・ネルソン氏
Jeremy Scahill: The Scandal of Blackwater; Cindy Sheehan: Imagine Peace; Helen Thomas: The Democrats Who Enable Bush…
Between the Lines Internet Radio (like Democracy Now)
Chervron's Investments in Burma
Announcement: “The Iraq Crisis as a Global Crisis” in Harajuku
From CounterPunch (Recent Articles)
Dick Cheney, a Eulogy; Uri Avnery:The Power of the Israel Lobby…
Znet: Mideast, Iraq, Iran, Race and Gender, more: latest articles
Japan Focus latest articles: Nationalism, Militarizing Japan, Working Poor….
September stories included the following:
- 小出裕章氏のインタビュー
- Recent articles from JAPAN FOCUS in English
- 10/5 International Day Of Action To Defend Anti-War Japanese Teachers
- インタビューDavid Rovics in 長崎 (ourplanet-TV)
- 厚 生労働省「住居喪失不安定就労者等の実態に関する調査」にお ける、大阪での調査について Osaka Homeless Support Groups criticize Ministry of Labor's 'Net Cafe Refugee' Survey
- G8サミット: G8 Summmit alternative media prep meeting (Yutaka Tsuchiya: Video-Act)
An Engaged Political Culture in Venezuela
Skills Building for Social Change : Sept 30
Commmon Dreams News: War in Iran? Many more reports and commentaries
September 11, 1973: What happened
Calendar Sept- Nov
August stories:
Japan and World Issues
- Media: なにがわるい?
- Media and World Social Issues in English
- HIV SCANDAL/Kawada Ryuhei
- Asian News and Japanese Social Problems in English
- Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Earthquake・【声明 : 東京電力柏崎刈羽原子力発電所の閉鎖を
- Mad Cow Disease: “The Report Blocked by the Japanese Government
- Japanese Kenpo, Articles from English to Japanese, etc.
- Japan Press Service
- Tokyo Spring Film and Discussion
- Gyaku Japan
- Some more news sources
- ニューズ,etc: Resources in Japanese and English (News and Activism)
For example, in the above you will find some of these:
AIDS Scandal 薬害エイズ
Yahoo! JAPAN – レッドリボンキャンペーン2005
Yahoo! JAPAN – レッドリボンキャンペーン2005
Media: なにがわるい?
Commentary :: Peace and War・平和と戦争
「敗戦60周年に寄せて 憲法9条に向けたアピール」
by Brian Covert
ブライアン・コバート(フリージャーナリスト)が第2次世界大戦終結60周年の2005年8月15日、日本国憲法第9条の戦争放棄条項に沿った平和のための国際行動を求めたアピール。インターネット上の米国の「インディペンデント メディア センター」に掲載した。
次のサイトでも見られます。 (2007年7月更新) (English article on Article 9 and the 60th anniversary of the war)
- アスベスト
- 医療と患者の権利
- 外国人の権利
- 企業と人権
- 刑法・刑事手続
- 国際人権
- 個人情報保護・
プライバシー - 情報公開・知る権利
- 情報通信・IT
- 女性の権利
- 精神障害者の権利
- 表現の自由・
マスメディア - 予防接種被害
- その他の人権
田中 宇の
Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Earthquake・【声明 : 東京電力柏崎刈羽原子力発電所の閉鎖を
The Japanese government tried to blame the foreign media for scaring people, but the reality is that it is protecting the profits of big business: " This was not the biggest earthquake that could possibly hit Japan. This one was just a warning. There were enough failures this time to enable us to imagine what might happen if a bigger earthquake struck. In particular, we saw how the confusion caused by the earthquake led to errors and lapses of judgment. We saw equipment failures which in themselves might be manageable, but which, when compounded with the many other failures that earthquakes inevitably cause, could have been catastrophic. Unfortunately, there is no indication that the government will prioritize safety over the narrow economic interests of the power companies." MORE 【声明 : 東京電力柏崎刈羽原子力発電所の閉鎖を訴える】 More in Japanese
By Paul Arenson
Asano KenIchi's page
Well known journalist and professor
One of the links on his page is this, about the 'criminal activity' of Bush and
Koizumi in Iraq:
Japanese media and Iraq
Asano article
What is wrong with the Japanese media
Another by Asano
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
Well-known US site
Media Lens
Correcting for the distorted lens of the corporate media
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